The University of Cambridge offers the world’s most recognised range of English qualifications in the form of Cambridge ESOL examinations. Cambridge English (also known as ESOL) is a department of Cambridge University. Their English exams Proficiency (CPE) and Advanced (CAE) are recognised around the world by thousands of employers, universities and government ministries as proof of ability to use English.
Students can buy the books with Course. Each book costs £35-£45 approximately (depending on levels – Subject to change).
Please note: All students MUST have a hard copy of the relevant course book (No electronic resources) from the first day of class. If any student change there level during the course, They will have to buy another book for the appropriate level. The Student could be changed the book depends on availablity, students are also responsible for buying the new book. Students who fail to meet these requirements will receive two warnings to rectify this matter: 1st Verbal Warning: Student will be reminded to ensure that they have the required materials for class on the following day. 2nd and Final Written Warning: The student will be told that failure to produce the necessary materials for the next class will result in them not being allowed to attend the class until they have done so. The student will not receive attendance for this day and coming days until they fulfil the requirements. Absences will result in students being expelled as per the Absenteeism & Expulsion Policy/Procedures.