

The Aim Of CAE/FCE Preparation

The University of Cambridge offers the world’s most recognised range of English qualifications in the form of Cambridge ESOL examinations. Cambridge English (also known as ESOL) is a department of Cambridge University. Their English exams Proficiency (CPE) and Advanced (CAE) are recognised around the world by thousands of employers, universities and government ministries as proof of ability to use English.

  • Develop all four skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) using authentic and functional language.
  • Develop strategies and analytical skills which can be applied to achieve the optimal level in all parts of the exam.
  • Practise using past exam papers and exam focused materials designed to prepare you for what to expect in the exam and perform the tasks with every confidence.
  • Enhance your communicative skills so you are not only able to communicate effectively in and outside the classroom, but also to communicate effectively and confidently in the exam.
  • Develop knowledge and understanding of English grammar and apply it confidently and accurately.
  • Expand your vocabulary range and register, improve your pronunciation and learn more natural intonation.
  • Lay a suitable foundation for further study of the language.
  • Levels

    Upper-Intermediate (B2)
    Advance (C1)

    Course Info

    Duration: 25 Weeks
    Student Per Class: Maximum 15
    Morning: 09:00 - 12:15
    Afternoon: 13:00 - 16:15
    Fee: £3000

    More About CAE/FCE Preparation

    Morning Classes – Monday to Friday (9:15am to 12:30pm) 15 hours (Full-Time / 25weeks) (subject to change)
    Afternoon Classes – Monday to Friday (1:45pm to 5pm) 15 hours (Full-Time / 25weeks) (subject to change)
    : Normally Class scheduled every monday exception in Bank holiday
    : Visa students who attend a course at LCSE are obliged by law to have an attendance rate of greater than 85%. This can only be achieved by missing no more than 18 days throughout the course of 25 weeks. The College strongly encourages students to complete their full 25 weeks of study in one block.
    : Anyone leaving early will not receive attendance for the second half of the class. If there is an emergency, students may request permission from the Director of Studies to leave up to 15 minutes early.
  • On-campus
  • Independent study
  • Supervised learning
  • Technology assisted learning
  • Clinics
  • Study groups
  • Special interest groups
  • Extra-curricular activities
  • Clubs
  • Educational trips/field-trips (Compulsory to Attend)
  • Cultural, sports and social programmes
  • Conversational sessions
  • Additional exam preparatory sessions (optional)
  • LCSE academic team selected the following (per level/course offered);
  • B1 – “New English File – Intermediate”
    by Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig, and Paul Seligson. Oxford University Press
  • B2 – “New English File – Upper-Intermediate”
    by Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig, and Paul Seligson. Oxford University Press
  • C1 – “New English File – Advanced”
    by Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig, and Paul Seligson. Oxford University Press

  • Students can buy the books with Course. Each book costs £35-£45 approximately (depending on levels – Subject to change).

    Please note: All students MUST have a hard copy of the relevant course book (No electronic resources) from the first day of class. If any student change there level during the course, They will have to buy another book for the appropriate level. The Student could be changed the book depends on availablity, students are also responsible for buying the new book. Students who fail to meet these requirements will receive two warnings to rectify this matter: 1st Verbal Warning: Student will be reminded to ensure that they have the required materials for class on the following day. 2nd and Final Written Warning: The student will be told that failure to produce the necessary materials for the next class will result in them not being allowed to attend the class until they have done so. The student will not receive attendance for this day and coming days until they fulfil the requirements. Absences will result in students being expelled as per the Absenteeism & Expulsion Policy/Procedures.

    Every week student need to set for assesment test for there level up. there are few different typ of test for the students
  • Weekly Test
  • By weekly Test
  • Monthly Test
  • End of book Test
  • Please Note: According to all the test result our academice team will decide for the student to progress for next Levels.
  • CAE/FCE Examination fee is £210 including admin fee (Subject to Change). For more details talk to us please.
  • Please click on the link for useful downloads relating to the CAE Examination. "https://www.cambridgeenglish.org/" For more details talk to us please